Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Space Invaders

Since I didn't originally intend to live alone in my new house, I am still getting used to it. I always make sure to leave on a few lights downstairs and make sure all the doors are locked before I go to bed upstairs. I haven't been very worried though since I used to live in this neighborhood with Jason.

But, last night, my car was broken into... well, I guess I can't necessarily say "broken" into because the doors MAY have been unlocked. The lock didn't appear to be jammed or picked so I can only assume that I completely forgot to lock the car when I got home last night.

I don't think anything important is missing... maybe a couple of CD's. But I think its more the invasion of my privacy that bothers me. All of my papers and my glove compartment had been gone through. My shoes were out on the ground like someone had been trying them on. I mean, yuck!

So, now I am thinking of having the ADT security system that is already installed re-activated. I hadn't been worried before but now I feel like it might be a good idea. Couldn't hurt, right?

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