Tuesday, May 09, 2006


When the rough times roll around, you really find out who your true friends are. The ones that take you out and make you laugh when all you want to do is wallow and cry, are the friends worth keeping. Those that don't answer when you call crying, or don't even call you back, probably were never real friends to begin with. It's just sad to think that you can be there for someone, but when the tables are turned, they misconstrue your intentions and emotions and hide from you when they should be there for you. It's a sad and lonely world for people like that.

And what's even sadder is when you find a true friend, just before they leave for a long period of time. You have really been there for me, April and these next 10 weeks are going to be so lonely without you here. But don't worry, I'll keep John under control for you! : ) He didn't know what he was getting into when he agreed to my yard boy! He won't have time for anything else, LOL!

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