Monday, May 15, 2006

The Verdict

So, the doctor says that I have classic gall bladder disease, which includes both bialic sludge and small gall stones. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? He says it will only get worse over time and I should go ahead and have my gall bladder removed as elective surgery before it becomes emergency surgery. The earliest he could schedule the surgery is June 6th so I will have to suffer for 3 more weeks before then. But the surgery doesn't sound complicated. The only rules are that I cannot drive for 5 days after and I cannot pick up anything over 15 lbs for 3 weeks after. Doesn't sound so bad, right? I'll just have to get a DVD player for my bedroom before then so I can catch up on some movies I have been wanting to see. So that week anybody just give me a call, I will be stuck at home not driving so come visit!

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