Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Big News!

Hello blog friends! I've been rather busy with HUGE changes in my life lately, leaving not much room for blogging. Scott & I got married on June 1 in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. You could probably say I'm the happiest woman on Earth at the current time. Why the sudden jump? We are expecting a BABY in December. While I am terrified, I am also thrilled at the same time. It's going to be a huge life changing experience, but I can only imagine it will make life better for the both of us. More interesting for sure.

I've already had my share of "Amy-isms" so far in this pregnancy and as soon as I have some down time to write about them all, I'll do just that. As for right now, we are working hard to finish some rennovations to his house so that we can get me moved in, while finishing rennovations to my house so we can get it on the market. Whew! There's so much too do in such little time. My goal is to be moved in with him by then end of August. For those of you who know us personally, will understand when I say that it all must be complete before the beginning of College Football season or NOTHING will get done on the weekends thereafter.

So for now, I'm enjoying being Mrs. Scott Nolen and counting down the days till I'm a Mommy. Wow?! 11 weeks down, 29 to go!

Baby Nolen