Monday, May 15, 2006

Little Nervous

So, now that it is Monday, I am a little more nervous about my appointment with the surgeon today. I was pretty sick on Friday and most of it continued through the weekend. I know that he isn't going to do anything to me today, but I can't help but worry about what he might have to say. And I have done some more reading up on what causes the problem I am having and I almost feel like I did this to myself. I am one of those people who can't eat at all when they are upset about something. Well, I had that stomach virus for a couple of days and then had not started eating again when Jason broke up with me. I don't think I ate more than a bite or two of something for a week. And I lost 30 pounds in about 2 weeks. Rapid weight loss and not eating are the number one causes for bialic sludge and gall stones. I surely didn't mean to do this to myself! Maybe I should blame Jason instead? Just kidding! Either way, I am just ready to start feeling better.

In regards to Jason, I am feeling better. I guess acceptance is getting here. I didn't hear from him via email at all this weekend so I can only assume that he is enjoying himself. Probably celebrating Holly's graduation. But I am sure that it helps that I am starting to be interested in someone else. I spent a lot of time just talking to him this weekend and it was nice. I don't want to really talk about it or name any names... don't want to jinx things, you know? I just want to continue getting to know him and let things happen naturally. But for now, I am happy with the direction my life is heading and don't want to push anything.

Wish me luck today! Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Good luck!