Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Mornings are worse than any other part of the day. Even though I toss and turn all night, sometimes barely sleeping, when the sun starts pouring in the window, I dread dragging myself out of bed. I don’t want to get up, get dressed, get ready for work… I just want to take more sleeping pills and sleep the day away. Hide from the stomach pains, nausea, indigestions… just hide from the world under the covers of my bed. But I don’t. I usually get up, get sick, then get dressed. It’s become a routine. If pregnancy morning sickness is anything like this, I don’t think I will ever have children!

I had a good time last night. John’s son, Cameron, went to the biscuits game with a group from school, so he, Daniel and I went and grabbed some food. We were going to watch some scary movies at my house on the new red couch… but apparently my DVD player does not like burned DVDs. So, we headed to John’s after we ate to watch Saw II. I have seen the first one and I guess I had forgotten how disturbing it was. I found myself curled up in the corner of John’s couch hiding behind a fluffy pillow. But I wasn’t as bad as Daniel. He wouldn’t watch certain scenes at all and even left the room during some parts because he couldn’t handle it. What a sissy, LOL! I was glad that John brought me home when he picked up Cameron, rather than me having to drive myself. I hate to drive home after scary movies because I am always afraid I will see something in the rearview mirror. I guess I am a bit of a sissy too. And my doggy wasn’t even there to protect me last night!

I am really thankful for John’s company. He has really kept me occupied this past week or so and it really helps me keep my mind off of all the crappy things that are going on with me right now. And I am really impressed with him too. I like to watch him with Cameron. They get along great and seem like the best of friends, but John can switch in to “Dad Mode” as soon as necessary. He’s such a good father and that is really something to be respected these days. I am really glad that I am getting to share some time with them both lately. And I even feel a little safer home alone at night knowing that John lives so close. I know if I needed something I could call and he could be there in a minute. Especially since I keep seeing the scary man on the bicycle in the neighborhood.

So everyone have a wonderful day. I will try to do the same.

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