Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good Things Out of the Bad

So, I am down 27 lbs in only 3 weeks. Not healthy? I know. But sometimes your nerves control your appetite and you just can't help it. And it makes me feel better about myself when I put on those jeans and shirts that I haven't been able to wear in nearly a year. I think Jason would at least be proud of me for that.

And I am finding that I have more and better friends than I ever knew I had. When you really need people, you never know who will come out of the woodwork to be there for you. Thanks to those of you... you know who you are.

I am also learning the art of "detachment" or letting go of situations that are beyond your control. Worrying about something you can't change won't help and it certainly won't make you feel any better about it. You just have to rely on your faith that everything happens for a reason. I have always felt in my heart that Jason and I were meant to be together... and when he came back to me the first time, my faith was reinforced. That faith has definetly taken a knock over this past few weeks, but I am remembering that if it truly is meant to be... it will be again. And if it truly isn't, then I know something else will be down the road for me. I am still just hoping that the something is Jason. Time will tell... only time.

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