Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Stove Works!

I cooked dinner for the first time in the new house. So, now I know that the stove works. It was a a bit bumpy though. I realized all of the cooking equipment of mine that I left at Jason's. I had to borrow a can opener from John. I am really upset that I left my expensive knife that I got for my birthday and so I had to cut the tomatos with a stupid butter knife. But dinner came together and I was actually able to eat a good bit of it. And it must have been good to everyone else as well because there weren't any leftovers.

It was a nice evening. Relaxing. Watched tv and enjoyed the company of friends... even though John was tortured because we made him watch American Idol with us. I think he'll survive.

I am still looking forward to this 3-day weekend. I am hoping to find something interesting for us to do rather than the same old things. We'll see... if anyone has any suggestions, let me know...

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