Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yes, I am a Chicken

So, here is my funny story for today.

My new friend came over last night to see my house for the first time. I gave him the tour but neglected to show him the basement (which I usually keep locked tight). Even though it was around 10:00 and the basement creeps me out, he insisted I show it to him anyway. So, I tiptoe down the stairs, which I hate because it has such low ceilings and I am a bit claustrophobic. I pull the cord and switch on the light at the bottom of the stairs.

Now, there is not much to this basement. There is some old junk left behind by previous owners, but nothing of any value. Also, the water heater and A/C crap is all down there. So, he looks around for a few minutes and I am standing, holding the pull cord, waiting to switch it off and go back upstairs. Suddenly, the A/C kicks on making raquet right behind me and scares the crap out of me. So, of course, I jump, yanking the cord and switch off the light. I also scream, leaping almost on top of him, and then run up the stairs. How embarrassing??

He of course laughs at me, to which I reply that he jumped too. Well, of course he did, I screamed and jumped on him. Well, at least now he knows that I am a chicken and won’t be surprised later if we watch a scary movie or something. Not to mention a bug later flew at my head and I ran from that as well.

But yes, I am still smiling by the way. My face is actually starting to hurt and my friends and co-workers are starting to suspect that I am on drugs or something. I am way too cheerful for my own good. But oh well... I’m just going to enjoy it while I can!!

1 comment:

Sizzle Pizzle said...

At least you are creating memorable experiences for him!! :)