Saturday, September 30, 2006

Why Do I Have To Be So Stupid?

Why? I really don't understand. i thought I was doing so good. Not "labelling" things and not wanting to. Only wanting to take things one day at a time. Apparently even that is too much to ask. I fall too easy and I fall too hard. And I am devastated everytime I am rejected. I don't want to be "a nice girl" or just his "friend." I want him to feel the same way about me as I do about him. Doesn't intimacy mean anything to anyone anymore? Why do I always get used? Why do I continue to let myself get used over and over? I feel so worthless! I pretty much hate myself for being so naive and letting myself get so attached so easily. I'm so stupid! And completely alone in it this time. I don't want to hear I told you so... because I know. I did this to myself. At least he was honest and told me now and I didn't get strung along any longer. I've only known him a few days... and I already hurt this bad. This night went from great to depressing in only a few moments. I'm just going to wallow in my self pity some more. Maybe I'll sleep. Please, God at least let me sleep through this. At least give me that!

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