Tuesday, September 12, 2006

From Happy to OMG WTF? in 2 seconds flat!

Wow... that's the only way I know how to describe today. I'm tired and I'm going to bed and its only 8pm. Not watching Nip Tuck. Not watching anything. I just need to go to sleep. I am going to need serious therapy after a day like today. Wow...

1 comment:

Sizzle Pizzle said...

I don't know how I found your blog, but I feel so fortunate to have done so. This morning, I read every post from start to finish with tears streaming down my face. Everything you wrote about Jason - every emotion, your hopes, fears, dreams - is exactly what I have been going through. I am just too scared (or maybe embarrassed, ashamed) to write about it. Your honesty is so refreshing - it has given me a long-needed kick in the butt. My "jason" did come back and I have been miserable ever since. Your candid writing made me realize that I am not living my life but rather living to please someone else. So here's a big thanks from a kindred soul in the midwest!