Tuesday, September 12, 2006

La di da di...

So I am happy today. Just felt like I would share it. It's rainy and yucky outside but the sun is shining inside. I had a good evening. A good walk on the treadmill at the gym listening to some good ol' Dave Matthews, Johnny Cash ad Coldplay... odd combo I know. Then I cooked dinner and watched a good movie with a great friend. Nothing better than good company to make me feel better! Then I slept well for once and woke up feeling great.

Now I am ready for another good evening. And I know it will be because Nip Tuck is coming on tonight. I have only seen a few episodes but I watched the season premiere last week and have a feeling it is going to become my new regular show.

Guess its time to head back to the office... hope everyone is feeling as great as I am today!!

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