Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Road Trip

I am really looking forward to this weekend. I haven't taken a road trip in forever! We are headed to Mobile to hear a friend's band play at Grand Central. I am really excited about getting out of town for a couple of days and getting to spend some time with friends. Jennifer and I went down to hear Dave's band play a year ago this weekend. It's funny how that happens. We had a GREAT time last year and I can't imagine that it would be any less fun this year. There's just something exciting about going out and shaking your ass and not having to worry about running into someone you know. You don't have to worry about who is watching because, chances are... you will never see any of them again!

And on a completely different note... I'm so happy with things right now that it's scary. My life is like a roller coaster... I am afraid of the 'ups' because I know that means I will be headed back down. What a terrible cliche, right? But that's honestly how I feel. But I guess the only thing for me to do is continue to do things that make me feel so great... reading, spending time with the few important people in my life, writing. And I think I may be beginning a new path for myself. A newly developed friendship has encouraged me to follow a childhood dream. A dream which was stifled by so many people many years ago. I chose a career path that I thought would bring me money and success. So far, it has been treating me pretty well, but it's not my dream. It's not my passion. I am not saying I am going to quit my job or do anything crazy. But I am definitely going to look into other options. I want to write! I had forgotten how much I love it. I had forgotten how incredible it feels to express myself in written words and for others to read it and be impacted by it. I think I am finally really inspired to head in the right direction. Wish me luck.

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