Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Next Round of Madness...

I feel like I really didn't have a break. I worked both Saturday and Sunday at American Eagle and we were unbelievably busy both days. Nothing like procrastination! Then yesterday, I had Christmas morning at my parents and then lunch at my grandmothers. I woke up feeling terribly congested on Christmas morning so I took some cold medicine and felt like a zombie the rest of the day. After filling myself full of turkey, dressing, my favorite casseroles and desserts, I made it home and napped in my favorite chair under a new fuzzy blanket I got for Christmas. And luckily for me a MythBusters marathon was on the Discovery Channel.

So today, its back to work... both jobs. I don't know how to do returns on the register yet, so I am certain I will be the person putting all of the clothes away as people return them today. I am certainly not looking forward to that. I was also told by one of my managers this weekend that I could continue to work after the holiday season is over. After New Year's, I'm sure that hours will be cut back and I will only work a day or two a week which will be perfectly fine with me! I generally find that I have a good time at work and (for the most part) like the people that I work with... which brings me to a funny story from this weekend.

On Saturday, a customer asked me to check to see if we had a size she needed in the back. I went into the back and was down between two rows of clothing digging for a size. When I came out, another employee was standing in the middle of the stockroom with his pants around his ankles (and yes, he was still wearing his boxers). Startled, I covered my eyes and said "Oh, I'm sorry." To which he replies, "Oh, don't worry about it... I was just checking to see what size my pants are."

First, why not go into the dressing room to check, since you would be guaranteed privacy there. No risk of other employees barging in on you and no possibility of a customer seeing you through the OPEN DOOR.

Second, was it really necessary to drop your pants completely to the floor in order to see the tag that can be found in the waistband? Couldn't you just have loosened your belt and flipped the tag out? He didn't seem to be embarrassed but I was. I guess I am just more modest than most people? But it was funny nevertheless.

I hope everyone else had a good holiday break and actually got some rest!


lioux said...

How could you not know your pants size?


Amy said...

Well, considering he wears the waist of his pants half way to his knees... I don't know why it really matters anyway?

lioux said...

Oh, I hate that look on guys!

Amy said...

Me too. It makes them look like they have noassatol.

lioux said...

I think I have a bottle of noassatol in the medicine cabinet here at Company, Inc.