Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Just my luck...

I left work early for a dentist appointment yesterday. I usually don’t mid going to dentist for my regular six month appointments. Actually, I kind of look forward to it. My dentist is a woman and so are all of her hygienists. So, it’s kind of like going to the beauty shop and gossiping with the ladies.

Yesterday was only supposed to be a cleaning. But x-rays revealed that I had a cavity and a broken filling. The dentist wanted to fix the broken filling right away, and when they couldn’t get me an appointment in the next couple weeks, they insisted I stay and do it right then. One cavity was on the top jaw and the broken cavity was on the lower. She gives me shots for each one. Then when she goes to start drilling she says, “Oops. They hygienist wrote it down wrong. It’s on the other side. I’ll have to give you one more shot.” Just what I wanted to hear, right? So, now both the left and right side of my upper lips are numb.

On a side note, I had minor surgery on my throat/neck over two years ago that caused some nerve damage. I have regained most of the feeling on that side but some of the nerves have been “rerouted” so to speak. So, the tooth on the lower jaw that was supposed to get numb... didn’t. She kept giving me more and more Novocain, which was causing other parts of my face and my tongue to get numb... just not the tooth that needed to be drilled. So, I felt most of the drilling and did lots of squirming. Needless to say, it was not a pleasant experience.

Then, I had to be at my second job at American Eagle at 6. Did I mention that I couldn’t feel my whole face? So, I couldn’t smile, could barely talk and did everything I could not to drool on the clothes. Customers who asked me questions probably thougt I was either drunk or handicapped since my speech was slurred and my face didn't appear to be functioning properly. Plus, I was nice and grumpy because I was hungry but couldn’t eat dinner until I could feel my tongue and lips again.

So, today my jaw is sore from the many shots and my tooth is sensitive from the drilling. But at least it is all over with and I don’t have to go back for another six months.


lioux said...

I've actually had the SAME experience.

Apparently I don't have *Text Book* nerves, and they kept pumping me with novacaine as well.


Feeling better.

lioux said...

I would've recommended my old dentist, but he retired a while back.

Anonymous said...

My jaw is still sore and hurts to open it very far. I assume from the many shots. But overall, I am better. Thanks for asking!