Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's Worth It

Life changes so unexpectedly. It's strange how the tables can get turned around so quickly. In my fairly recent break up, I discovered that some of the people that I thought were true friends, were really those "fair weather" kind that are only really there when things are good. I also discovered that I had some really good friends that were there to make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. I hope that I will always be one of those true friends. I am sorry that I am getting the opportunity, but I am so glad to return the favor. I consider myself a good listener and try to give good advice when it is asked for. I hate to see anyone in pain, much less a good friend.

The only thing I can say, is the same thing that I have been telling myself for the last fews months. Things that are meant to be, will be... they can't be stopped. If you are meant to be with someone, you will be and you can't do anything to control it. And most of all, love is worth it. It is worth putting yourself out there and completely opening yourself up to another. Mutual love is the best feeling in the world. The moments of happiness are well worth the moments of pain that happen if the relationship fails. The only thing worse is living your life behind a wall and refusing to let someone in for fear that they may be able to hurt you. It's ok to be vulnerable. It's okay to let someone hurt you, as long as you don't let yourself be a doormat. Just learn from each experience and take it with you to the next one. Love is worth the pain. Fall in love as often as you can and don't be afraid. It's the only way to live.

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