Thursday, July 20, 2006

Eventful Week

Most of you know, last week I got sick and this week, it has progressed into laryngitis. I still cannot speak. But this is just one of the things that has happened this week. Allow me to elaborate!

Monday night, my car decided that it no longer understands the park position. The shifter goes into park, but when I let off the brake, it zooms backwards as if it still in reverse. I attempted to explain the problem to my dad, but he wanted to look at it instead. He sat in the drivers' seat and took off the parking brake (which was the only think keeping it still). He let off the brake and, of course, it zooms backwards. Problem is... he has the door open so he can talk to me, and it almost plows me down into the yard! Funny now, yes... but when I almost fell in the mud, not so funny at the time!

I headed home with two dogs in tow who both insisted on standing in my lap. My parents were having their A/C replaced and wanted the dogs out of the way for the day. One of the dogs had never been away from home except to the vet and the beauty shop. Needless to say, she was not happy to be joining me for the night. When I got home, she refused to walk up the stairs, couldn't get on my bed even with a stool and whined when I put her in the bed myself. I laid in bed reading for hours reading while they whined and tried to climb in my book for attention. Eventually, they exhausted and fell asleep. Shortly after, so did I.

I woke up the next morning to discover that not only did I feel worse, but I could no longer speak. Not one little sound. This makes even simple things difficult. For example, last night, I went to Taco Bell to get a quick dinner. I came very close to pulling into the drive through before I remembered I CAN'T TALK! So, I parked the car and went inside to attempt to order. She laughed at me, but got my order before she realized that the debit card machine wasn't working. So, I got back in the car and went down the street to my bank to get cash... thinking the whole time that she should have give me my $3 worth of tacos for free! I came back and parked again... this time forgetting my car malfunction and almost letting it roll backwards into someone. But then, I succesffuly purchased my tacos.

I went to Jennifer's after that to watch So You Think You Can Dance. I decided to cook us some apple turnovers for dessert. They had only been in the oven for a minute or two, when I smelled something burning. Jennifer peeked in the oven and said they looked fine. But then she did a double-take. And I mean she looked like one of those cartoon characters when their eyes bug out of their heads. One of the turnovers had magically leaped itself off the side of the cookie sheet and was scorching on the bottom of the oven!! I managed to burn my hand while using tongs to scrape it out of the bottom. Minutes later, still sitting on the couch laughing about the esacpee turnover... I forgot to take the rest of them out and burned them all.

So... this has been the kind of week I have had. I tell this long story to tell you one thing. I am ready for it to be Friday!! I don't care if I have a voice or not, I will be at Off the Wagon to support Dave and the rest of StrongFold. I hope everyone will make their best effort to make it out and to join me in celebrating the end of this crazy week!!

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