Friday, January 19, 2007

Random & Useless Trivia for the Day

  • A large sweet tea from McDonald’s looks like a lot more when poured in the floor board of a Camaro.

  • Pigeon feathers can unknowingly make their way into your living room and onto your furniture.

  • Splinters and saw dust are hard to remove from socks and even harder to remove from the insides of your shoes.

  • Space heaters will blow circuits in old houses, especially when it is raining and your breaker box is outside.

  • Do not playful hit someone on the backside with a piece of tile while they are tiling your shower (especially while they are holding a pocket knife) because they may panic and think the tiles they just installed are falling off the wall.
  • 1 comment:

    lioux said...

    And don't forget...

    "You Give Love A Bad Name" was widely rumoured to be written about actress Diane Lane who dated Jon BJ back in the 80's...