Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Help! Let me out!

Ok, some of you may think that I am evil for laughing at this. But if all parties involved laughed, its ok to laugh with them, right? So, the following conversation occurred between a friend and I recently through IM's. But before you read it... here are a couple of definitions for those 'challenged" people who don't know online abbreviations or terms:

LMAO = laughing my ass off
OMG = Oh my God!
piss giggles = Hang on, I have to run to the bathroom before I pee in my pants!

: my boss telling me about his trip to mobile to bury his wife’s father

Friend: about her mom
Friend: who has Alzheimer’s
Friend: she pooped her pants
Friend: and it got on her pants
Friend: no spare pants
Amy: OMG!
Friend: so there in the rest area
Friend: and her mother is trying to walk out of the restroom with no pants on
Friend: his wife had to hold her mother in the stall
Friend: and a smell to high heavens he said
Amy: oh my
Friend: he went on an adventure to find sweat pants for her all over town
Amy: lol
Friend: he said then when he turned on the heater in the car you could smell it
Amy: ooooh no!
Friend: so if he turned on the heater which it was freezing yesterday you smell poo!
Friend: too funny
Friend: i was laughing
Friend: he said yeah it is funny and we laughed about it all the way home in the car
Friend: cause his wife was telling everything her mother said and did while he was gone to get the pants
Friend: she was yelling HELP HELP HELP
Friend: let me out
Friend: im ready to go
Friend: GET ME OUT
Friend: HELP
Amy: lol
Amy: OMG, i just snorted I laughed so hard
Friend: piss giggles
Friend: can you imagine some 80-90 year old in the rest area with poop pants yelling
Friend: HELP let me out
Friend: lmao
Friend: too funny

I can't help it! It's hysterical and I had to share!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

only really funny if you have been there with a grandparent or great grandparent like I have. "FRIEND FROM BLOG"

lioux said...

Did you just upgrade your Blogger account? It appears that I'm now an anonymous commenter.


Amy said...

It still shows you as Lioux to me? It told me I HAD to upgrade when I tried to login from home last night. Stupid blogger...