Sunday, January 07, 2007

Do I HAVE to go back to work tomorrow?

It's Sunday. It's raining and thundering... and I love it! I am taking a break for a moment from working on my bathroom. I took a break all day yesterday, since I worked at AE most of the day and then went to a bonfire. It gave the tiles plenty of time to dry. So, today I went and got the beadboard and quarter-round for the walls (in between the bouts of rain). So, I am all set and ready for this next week!

This weekend has been really good. I bought myself some new clothes and some new perfume. I saw some friends I haven't seen in quite a while... and I must say, I am really happy to have certain people back in my life. Good friends are hard to come by these days.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!


lioux said...

Weekends are always great. They just go by wayyy to fast.

Amy said...

Yes, they do. And I had a hangover headache ALLLLLL day on Sunday.