Friday, February 02, 2007

This is how you do it!

I often browse through real estate around Montgomery. Fixing up older houses has always been a fascination of mine, so I watch which ones are bought and sold and how much the prices increase after rennovation.

I have a feeling this house in particular might have a little trouble getting sold based on their advertising campaign. Here is a photo of the front of the house. They could have rolled the garbage can in from the curb, but overall, not so bad:

But here is the kicker... is that a body wrapped in that blanket??

I can see it now... the realtor showing the house. "...and this house is very reasonably priced. The previous owner, Earl, died... yes, that is him wrapped in the blanket. We'll have him removed if you make an offer on the house."

Seriously... who thought this was a good picture to showcase the bedroom?

1 comment:

lioux said...

Poor Earl.