Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dirty Baby in the Dirty, Dirty

Since my hair dryer had a blow out, I ventured to Wal-Mart last night at 9:30pm. Bad idea. I pick up my few items and head to the checkout where I discover that the only lanes that are open are the self checkout lines. This is not a problem for me and I usually use them myself. But, this leaves no other option for the white trash idiots who do not know how to operate the machines. I got stuck in line behind a couple with the dirtiest baby I have ever seen in my life. I do underatand that babies are messy and a little bit of dirt and drool is to be expected. But this kid was absolutely filthy. So filthy that I could not resisit sneaking a picture with my camera phone with the sole intention of posting it on my blog today. So, here it is for your enjoyment... chocolate covered white trash Alabama baby:

And yes, the WOMAN pushing the cart is wearing a plaid lumberjack-looking jacket over her nightgown style dress. I thought for a moment that maybe I shouldn't post this for fear that these people might actually see it, but no chance that they could A) afford a computer and internet access and B) grasp technology to the point where they could use a computer or get on the internet.

Update: I debating about just deleting the comment I received on this post. But instead I decided to elaborate a bit more. I focused my picture on the dirtiness of the baby. What you could not see in the photo was the older son (maybe 9 or 10 years) dressed in more expensive name brand shoes and clothes, carrying some sort of handheld video game. Inside the shopping cart were some necessities (no wipes or soap) but potato chips, candy, snacks and most importantly a large case of beer (and not the cheap kind either). I do not believe that these people were hurting for money, but rather have a disregard for public hygiene. I "judged" their level of intelligence based on their choice to appear in public in that state and their failure to be able to operate the very simple checkout line.

And lastly, this is my blog and my outlet for my thoughts and opinions. I always appreciate comments and feedback on what I write, positive or negative. But if I write something that offends you, feel free not to read my blog anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't know me. I just came across this blog and have been reading through. I thought I could relate to you, and then I read this.

This post made me cry. I read it yesterday, and I just can't stop thinking about that poor baby's face.

You know. Those "white trash idiots" might be in line buying soap or clothes or baby wipes for that sweet little baby with all the money they have between them. That innocent baby didn't ask to be there. Who gave you the right to judge?

Is it possible for poor people to have feelings? Maybe next time you see someone down on their luck you might cast them a smile or offer them *gasp* help rather than look down your nose at them and snap their baby's picture for your entertainment. Please think about how you might treat others in the future. Ever heard of the Golden Rule?

Never know. YOU might be in there shoes one day.