Friday, February 16, 2007

Playing Tag

I was tagged by Lioux Zhurr to list 5 things you don’t know about me. I am in turn tagging Jennifer Shell, Whiskersh55, Bubbles, Ash Mahoney and Q. This was actually kind of tough for me. I blog about almost everything so it was difficult for me to think of 5 things that you probably don’t already know. So here goes…

  1. I have several phobias, some of which I think are odd:

    1. Water. Not swimming pools but of lakes and oceans. If I can’t see the bottom, I am terrified.

    2. Small Spaces. This extends beyond traditional claustrophobia. I am afraid to put things over my head/face such as masks, goggles, hats, helmets, etc. I have always wanted to go for a ride on a motorcycle, but can’t conquer the fear of putting on a helmet.

    3. Crowd Anxiety. Wal-Mart is the devil and often gives me panic attacks. I even have prescribed medication to deal with it.

    4. Losing teeth. I have a re-occurring nightmare about losing my teeth. It began when I first got braces in the 6th grade and I dreamed that I got hit in the face with a ball, and since my teeth were wired together, they all came out at once. But what was really odd, was they looked like those chattering teeth toys with gums and all.

  2. In many ways, I can be anal retentive and/or OCD about certain things:

    1. When I chew food, I do one of two things. Either I evenly divide the food in my mouth and chew equal parts on both sides. Or of it is something small, like candy or popcorn, I eat one on one side, then the other, alternating. I have no idea why I do this? I guess I subconsciously feel that all of my teeth deserve equal cavity opportunity?

    2. The toilet paper MUST be placed on the holder in the correct direction. The loose end should come over the top and hang down. I have even changed the direction of the TP at someone else’s house.

    3. When eating candy such as skittles or gummy bears, I eat them in color order from the ones I like the least to the ones I like the most. This does not apply to M&Ms because they don’t have individual flavors. (Yet, if I have a handful of M&Ms, I will pair them up by color and chew one of each color on each side of my mouth).

    4. I hate grammatical errors and misspellings. (Yes, C-W D, I do too). I also hate to correct people so I try to use the word correctly in my response in order to show them the proper spelling. I don’t think anybody ever really notices this.

    5. I won't eat chicken off a bone nor will I eat shrimp with tails. I guess I don't want my food to resemble the animal that it used to be?

  3. I cannot stop myself from laughing every time someone uses the word “duty.” I know it is childish, but sometimes I even giggle and say “He/she said duty.” There is a commercial on the radio for the National Guard that begins with a deep voiced male saying “Duty… Honor…” and I laugh every time.

  4. While I am anal about some things, I am completely incapable of being organized about certain other things. I misplace my keys almost everyday. I have also locked my keys in my car more times than anyone I have ever met (two times with the car running and once with my dog inside).

  5. Contrary to popular belief my screen name is not "Oh-My-Sue" but "Omy-Sue." My best friend growing up often called me Amy Sue (even though Sue is not my middle name - it's Elizabeth). Her baby sister said "Ah-mee" rather than Amy. So, Omy Sue kind of stuck.


lioux said...


I have dreams about losing my teeth ALL THE TIME!!!

I agree with the TP thing.

And I just had a bag of skittles last night.

Amy said...

I have been told that the teeth dream is a control issue. That everytime you have it, there is something going on in your life that you feel out of control of.

But who knows?

lioux said...

I think I've heard similar theories.

I wouldn't doubt it though.