Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Road Trip!

I actually have the weekend off from AE! So, what am I going to do? Your first guess would have likely been work on the bathroom or some other home improvement project. But nope! I need a mini-vacation! So I am packing up and going to Nashville for at least part of the weekend. I've already nominated someone as my official tour guide... but something tells me we will likely only make it to see a couple restaurants and then mostly inside of some local bars. Otherwise, what kind of vacation would it be??

Anyway... so now I am really looking forward to Friday getting here. I am taking a half day Friday from the Bar to go get my oil changed and maybe even have an estimate done on the damage to my car from the wreck. Who has time to drop off their car at the few approved places my insurance will pay to fix it?? AND who has a $500 deductible to dish out in order to fix it. NOT ME!

Hurry up Friday! I'm ready to get out of town!


lioux said...


I Love, Love, Love Nashville!!!

My band Sister Kisser®™©™ sometimes plays there!

Amy said...

I'm going up to meet a friend I have never actually met in person before, LOL. Have no clue where we are going or what we are going to do, but I am excited about getting out of town (but still a wee bit nervous)!

lioux said...

I'm sure it'll be awesome!!!


Have a good time in Nashville.
Send Lioux a postcard