Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wasted Day

For once, I had planned to do some constructive things today. I brought some of my "junk" out of my parents storage to my house. I was going to sort through it and throw out the junk and organize the things I wanted to keep. It's everything from Christmas decorations to art supplies to old keepsakes I tucked away. I also planned to measure out the front of my house and make sure I have enough Christmas lights. This is my first year in this house and I am so excited about decorating it!

So, what really happened today? I slept in pretty late. I got up and took my dog out and played with her for a while. I got dressed and ready to run a couple of errands, and WHAM! My eyes start acting crazy which is a sure sign that I am about to have a monster migraine. So back to bed I go. But after sleeping in so late and having such a relaxing evening home alone last night, I'm not tired and can't fall asleep. I am out of my migraine medicine so I call and ask my mom to bring me some of hers. It was the worst migraine I've had in a long time. So I have spent the whole day in bed.

Now, I am awake but completely unmotivated to do anything constructive. I don't even want to cook myself dinner. I think a trip to Arby's is in store. And then maybe a movie on the couch. Sounds good to me. I hope everyone else had a better day then I did.

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