Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Amyism Strikes Again

I am still shocked about the outcome of today. No, I'm not talking about the scores of any of the games. I'm talking about me.

For those of you who don't know, I bought tickets back in May to the first Georgia game. I bought them that early because I wanted to give them to Scott for his birthday in May. I finally got the tickets in the mail last week. I felt kinda ripped because the tickets were not as good as I was told they were going to be, but nevertheless was still totally excited to be going. Especially, since the first game was not going to be televised since we just played Georgia Southern. We got just a little lost on the way here and it took us 4 hours when it should have only taken about 2.5, but part of that was traffic.

Well, we got up early this morning, got ready and headed toward downtown Athens. It was a bit of a hassle to find a parking spot but we managed. It was a bit of a walk to the stadium, a lot of it was uphill. So of course, Scott was just fine and I thought I would have a stroke at any moment since it was hot as hell and I'm totally out of shape. As we finally reach the gates to the stadium, I reach to my back pocket to pull out our tickets. Not there. They were there a few block back. Not there now. The tickets were slightly longer than my back pocket and stuck out just a little bit. I'm not certain whether they just wiggled their way out of my pocket as we trecked up hills, or if someone slipped them out of my pocket. it wouldn't have been hard and I'd never have noticed. I was stunned. We had little cash on us. Just enough to buy food. We were asking prices for pairs of tickets and people were asking outrageous amounts. Once it was only 15 minutes before kickoff, there were few people around the gates selling tickets. We were sweating like pigs, more me than Scott. So we headed outward, either looking for a cheap pair of tickets or an ATM machine. After kickoff, people still had not dropped the price of the tickets so we decided to head to the restaurant where we'd parked Scott's Jeep and hope they were carrying the game even though it was only on pay-per-view. No dice. They were playing the radio broadcast inside and at least they had A/C. We sat inside through most of the first half then decided to go back to the room and try our luck with the radio there. At least we'd be able to listen to it loud and not be fighting to hear over all the people talking.

At this point, I have to say how much I love Scott. Most people would naturally blame me and yell or be pissed off at me for losing/getting the tickets stolen. Not Scott. Never. His response, "nothing you can do now. Let's just make the best of it." God, do I love him. I'm so lucky! I'm still mad at myself and pretty bummed about not being able to see the game live, but it means more than anything in the world to me that I have someone who is so supportive.

So, right now we're in our hotel room in Athens. We're about to get dressed and ready to go out somewhere in Athens. We're looking for somewhere nice to eat that has large TV's on which we can watch the Alabama vs. Clemson game. If anybody reads this shortly who has a recommendation, give me a call or shoot me a text on my cell phone.


Jen said...

Awww...that's awesome - when life gives you lemons, you grab a bottle of tequila, I always say! I'm glad you guys made the best of it!~

Anonymous said...

are you going to the Iron Bowl?!

Amy said...

Nope. No Iron bowl for me. Way too many drunk, fighting and/or puking idiots at that one for my taste!