Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Photos from Kayaking

I just wanted to share some more photos. These are the ones that were taken with the disposable cameras on our rover adventure.

Jonathan and Jennifer. I took these two before the first flip when we lost our camera:
First flip. Me floating away, Scott getting back in the kayak:

Safely back in the kayak:

Us catching up after the rescue mission (notice I have no paddle):

All back together again after the rescue mission:

I love our faces! I think I had just yelled at him not to flip us over:

The aftermath, happy to be OUT OF THE WATER:


Liöüx said...

These are AWESOME photos! How did you get them after you lost your camera, though?

Amy said...

Scott and I lost the camera when our kayak flipped over the first time. It was waterproof and floated, so my brother and his wife rescued it. They took the rest of the photos from their kayak.