Thursday, April 19, 2007

Strikes again!

On my way to work this morning, I stopped at the grocery store and bought a 20 oz. Mt. Dew and a strawberry Sunkist. I drank the Mt. Dew and put the Sunkist in the refrigerator at work. I just went to get it, and PRESTO, its gone! The refrigerator "borrower" has struck again!! I am soooo mad!

I mean, I know the drink only cost a dollar and some odd change. That is not the point. The point is, I went out of my way this morning to get a drink that we do not carry in our vending machine here and was saving it for this afternoon because I don't normally carry cash for the vending machine. What do you have to do to protect a drink? Maybe I'll put lipstick prints all over the lid next time and it won't be appetizing to anyone?

I did send out a company wide email saying "If you accidentally picked it up, please let me know." I've gotten some pretty funny responses but I was hoping for a tattle tale. No takers so far. I'll keep you posted.


lioux said...



Terry said...

You should open the bottle and take a drink out if it.. Then leave the lipstick prints....

After all, it would be "used".. Who really wants to steal a used soda??

Amy said...

Update: I put a new drink in there this morning and I have written my name all over it. My co-workers keep coming in saying what a tastey looking drink that is in the refrigerator.

Anonymous said...

so was it the same person who stole the creamer?