Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Karma Force Field

Last night, Jason and I were sitting around watching tv. He's still suffering from a broken heart and often mopes around looking depressed. I'm not usually the "there, there, *pat pat*" kind of friend. I'm usually the "I'm going to aggravate you until I make you smile and forget about what's making you sad" kind of friend. So, sitting in my big over stuffed chair I pretend that I am going to throw a pillow at Jason's face while he is lying on the couch. He flinches and laughs and so I go to really throw it this time (and unknowingly to me) the fringe on the throw pillow has managed to snag itself on my little toe. I fling the pillow and suddenly my baby toe feels as if it were just ripped right out of the socket! I look down to see that while it is still there, there is something that looks like rope burn around it. So, later... seeing another sad face, I ball up a napkin, reach way back and to throw it when suddenly a big cramp shoots through my upper back. I think Jason has a karma force field around him and everytime I try to mess with him, it just bounces back at me! I guess I need to just leave him alone!

Non-karma related incident for the night (or so I think anyway):
I cook heat up some chicken noodle soup for us for dinner. I decide I want a grilled cheese to go with mine. I prepare the sandwich and heat up the frying pan. I usually butter one side, throw it in the pan, butter the other side and then flip it. Just as I am ready to flip the grilled cheese, I realize all the spatulas are dirty and in the dishwasher which is running. So, I quickly dig in the drawer for anything that I can use. I find a rubber scraper, which is one of those cheapy dollar store ones that don't withstand high heat. I jam it under the sandwich tearing it up and smearing the cheese all over the pan. The cheese sticks and begins to burn and let me tell you, burned cheese does NOT smell good and it smokes a lot! I continue scraping and throw the pile of burned cheese mess onto a small paper plate. I carry it to Jason in the living room and say "Are you sure you don't want a grilled cheese with your soup, because I'm doing a really good job!" He looked at the mess and laughed, although I am sure he already had an idea what was going on judging from the cursing and smoke that was coming from the kitchen.

I chunked the blob in the trash and started over. And this time, had a spatula ready!

1 comment:

lioux said...

That is some force field he's got going on! I wish I had those powers.