Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Coffee Break

I don't drink coffee everyday. But some days, its just necessary. But I am pickky about the way I drink my coffee. I put in way too much sugar and use either milk or liquid creamer. So, often I bring my own bottle of flavored creamer and put it in the refrigerator in the breakroom with a label on it so people will know who it belongs to. I don't ever mind sharing. But I would prefer people to ask first, so I am aware that I may be out or running low and know I need to buy more. But someone has been using it without asking. I had suspected it for a while, but this week I brought a brand new bottle and have only used it one time... yet it is almost empty. Shall I put it back in the fridge this way? You think I will get in trouble?


lioux said...

I would totally put this back.

lioux said...

And I Love, Love, Love coffee!!!

Anonymous said...

I come by way of a Corrupted Girl. Did this do the trick? I hope so. Too bad you didn't know who the thief was and you could have mentioned this around the person and probably put them into a panic attack.

Amy said...

No one ever fessed up. I did have various co-workers pointing the finger but no one actually admitted to drinking it... or having any stomach problems.