Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I watched (well, most of it before I fell asleep) a WWII movie last night. Patton. Like I have said before, I can’t resist a laugh anytime a person says “duty” no matter what the context. Well, last night in the movie someone came in shouting “Where is the duty officer?” I couldn’t resist. I giggled and looked over at Jason and said, “He said duty.” Then, they said duty about 5 more times and I had to stick my head under the covers to keep from laughing out loud. I could never be a duty officer because I would just laugh all the time. I’m so mature. Jason was probably glad that I fell asleep and he could watch the rest of the movie without my constant giggling.

On another note, I got my hair cut last night for the first time in over 6 months. Nothing too drastic… but I now have bangs. Still getting used to them hanging in my face while I work. This is not the best picture, but you get the idea:


lioux said...

Oh you would so not make any kind of officer with all that potential LOLing.

The cut looks cute. I need to get my hair 'did' soon.

Steven said...

I dig the hair, looks good.

I haven't shaved in three weeks...I look like a bear...

Or a hobo. ;)


lioux said...


I haven't shaved in weeks either!!!

[I really must].

Amy said...

Always good to see new people in my comments... how did you find mine, Steven?