Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Weekend Warriors

This weekend was so productive! I decided that since Scott had to work on Saturday, that I would find myself something productive to do while he was gone. I just cleaned up a little and got him some new bedding. He works so much that he just doesn't have time to do things like that for himself. Well, I jumped started something and we were inspired to do even more.

We spent Sunday renovating the master half bath. We painted the walls a deep red. We pulled up the carpet and put down the old-fashioned black and white checkered vinyl floor. It made an incredible difference in there in just one day. And I think it's awesome that we survived "Extreme Makeover: Valley Edition" without even arguing. I think that's a pretty good relationship test!

There was only one catastrophe… and it was a typical Amy event. I was putting the second coat of paint on the walls while Scott was outside getting ready to cut the grass. And being the nosy person that I am, while standing on the seat of the toilet, I peeked out the bathroom window to see what he was doing. I managed to knock over a large jar candle that was lit on the tank of the toilet. And of course, it poured hot wax down one leg and then landed on my toe. Luckily, it wasn't hot enough to scald me, but my toe was purple and bleeding. So I start to scramble and clean it up so that I won't have to be embarrassed and tell him what I had done. No such luck. He heard the banging all the way outside and came in to see if I was ok and caught me covered in blue candle wax and bleeding. So, he decided it was probably best (and safer) for him to pull up the carpet. I went to get a hammer out of the tool box to get up carpet tacks. Well, I didn't know that it was a "McGyver" hammer that converts into a screw driver. The head of the hammer fell off… and you guessed it, landed right on the same toe! So, Scott made me sit on the edge of the bed where he could see me with an ice pack on my toe. He said he would be able to get more work done if he wasn't worried about me injuring myself. Go figure!

Once the carpet was up, I was in charge of putting down the new tiles. After the incidents so far, he was kind of nervous about leaving me alone with a utility knife. Progress was moving right along and I got up to get some more tiles. When I sat back down, I sat right on a screw driver… which didn't really hurt but it surprised me so I yelled Ouch! And of course he came running… he just knew I'd cut myself! Poor Scott! I'm going to make him a nervous wreck! I'm just so excited that things are going so well with me and him. I never saw this coming but I couldn't be happier about it!

1 comment:

lioux said...

It looks AWESOME!

I hope your toe is feeling better!