Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Friday!

Last night was great! I went to the Wesson's and learned how to play Bunko. I wasn't sure that I understood everything but as soon as the game started I picked it up. I can't wait to play again and I'll be sure to bring my own drinks next time so I won't be too shy to scream "Big Bunko!"

I've also moved to a new project on my house. I recently acquired a Woodchuck Cider sign from my favorite bar. It inspired me to finally finish taking down the wallpaper in my kitchen and decorate around the sign. So far all I have done is paint the top half of the walls a dark green, but it already looks so much better than the icky teapot wallpaper that was up there. Is it sad that I am so excited about decorating my kitchen in a beer theme? Who cares! I love it!

It's been a loooong week and I'm so glad its Friday! I'll be dipping out of work a little early today since its completely dead around here. I've gotten so much accomplished with everyone gone to the annual meeting. So I think I deserve to be able to leave early!

Overall, I just feel GREAT! I'm smiling and laughing all the time and I look forward to every day… which unfortunately has not always been the case. Hmm… wonder what could be making me feel like this? :)

1 comment:

lioux said...

My BFF Adam Loves, Loves, Loves Woodchuck Draft Cider®™©™!