Monday, August 13, 2007

Boy, I Feel Stupid

Yeah, it’s Monday. I went to Biloxi this weekend with Scott, Jennifer and Justin. Scott and I were so tired that when we got home at 6:30 pm, we went straight to sleep. And we slept pretty solid until he had to get up early this morning to go to work.

Yet, somehow I’m still tired. Tired enough that my brain is apparently not functioning properly. I was going to stop by the little shop at the end of my road and pick up a croissant for breakfast, but discovered that it was closed. So, I detoured over to the McDonald’s across the street. I ordered, pulled up to the first window and paid. Then… drove away. I didn’t realize until I got to work, that I failed to stop at the second window and actually receive the food that I just paid for. I’m really not sure how I did that. I could try to blame it on all the kids around me that were walking to school or the fact that I was laughing at Rick and Bubba going on and on about the trooper’s “Take Back Our Highways” crap. But not today… today I think its just me and that my brain is still in Biloxi mode. It didn’t want to be back in work mode. So I aalready warned my co-workers that my stomach will be growling in our Monday morning meeting.

Sigh… breakfast anyone?

1 comment:

lioux said...


My sister did this once.
