Friday, October 06, 2006

Mo f’n bile Bound

I’m so excited that I am heading to Mobile this weekend to see the StrongFold boys! Anybody want to come? Grand Central is such a great bar and it’s bound to be packed this weekend with BayFest going on! And I hope to make a stop at the beach at some point before we head back up.

I’m going to the fair tonight too. I haven’t been in a couple of years so I am looking forward to that. I love to look at the school art shows, I guess since I entered every year when I was a kid. And the photography show. And of course, being the animal lover that I am... I am a sucker for that stinky little petting zoo. Why do I want to feed the goats? Who knows? But I do!

So, here is my funny story for today. I wore a new shirt today that I bought on my little shopping spree last week. It looked just fine in the mirror. But when I got to work and sat down, the cross over in the front pulls open and I had a little more booby going on than is appropriate for the office. After sitting at my desk hiding in the corner debating what to do, I decide to go visit the women in my department to see if any of them have a safety pin. As I stand up and re-adjust my shirt, a woman walks by the door and say, “You gotta keep those girls in!” I was so embarrassed! Luckily, Marcia had a safety pin and my shirt is now securely fastened closed. No more peepshow for my co-workers.

I’m so glad its Friday... and a three day weekend for me! Gotta love those state holidays! Hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend. I know I will!

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