Monday, August 21, 2006


Tired but not sleepy. Restless. Too many thoughts whirling around in my brain. I am sleepy while busy all day... but when it comes time to rest, I can't. I can't stop thinking, processing, over-analyzing, picking apart every little detail of what is bothering me today. And every night there is something new for me to dissect. Maybe I should stop the person/peope who keep giving me the issues and then I won't have a problem? Or would I just find a problem to have somewhere else? I stress myself. I let myself worry and wonder when I should just be happy and move where ever my path takes me. But the problem is, I am competely impatient. I want to see the bends in the road before I get to them. I don't want to be surprised and I don't want to be jerked around anymore. I can't do it again.! I am tired of being hurt and mistreated. But honestly I have no one to blame but myself because I have allowed once again for this to happen and let myself invest feelings where I should not. Time to suck it up and move on... again. Tired. So tired of moving on. Goodnight.

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