Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Today I began to notice how habitual my life has become. The alarm goes of at the same time each morning and I often mutter some sort of curse at it each time. I get up and shuffle straight to the bathroom and began performing my morning rituals. This morning, I wonder if there is a reason for the order I do things. Is it because I have found the most time efficient and best method of getting ready, or is it a slight case of OCD? The only variances in my routine involve whether or not I must walk downstairs to get what I am going to wear out of the dryer or not.

I gather my things and put them together in the same order. I slip on my shoes at the bottom of the stairs in the same place where I slide them off the everyday. I tuck my keys and phone in my purse in the same pockets in the same way. Is it to keep from losing them or is it another sign of OCD?

I always arrive just a few minutes early for work and since all other doors are locked, I always take the elevator. Since I am one of the first to arrive, I always hit “P” in the elevator before getting off to send it back down to the parking level for whoever arrives next. Is this my way of being polite or yet another sign?

I login to my computer and begin to open software, always in the same order. Is the order a matter of convenience or preference? I’m not sure. I can’t decide if the repetitiveness is my vein attempt to combat my severe forgetfulness or if it is just pure habit? It’s an interesting question. Should I break from the norm? Should I try something new? Would it throw off my whole day if I merely did things in a different order? Surely not. So, my mission tomorrow is to break out of this box and try something new!

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