Friday, September 12, 2008

For Once, Karma Wasn't a Bitch

I can’t believe I forgot to post about this last week. Last Wednesday night, I had planned to cook dinner at my brother’s house. When I got off work, I headed to the Wal-Mart in Millbrook to pick up the groceries I needed to make dinner. My brother and his wife, Jennifer were going to stop somewhere and get his haircut, and theoretically, we should have arrived at their house about the same time. But about the time I am leaving Wal-Mart, Jennifer sends me a text message saying that they still haven’t started cutting Jonathan’s hair yet so I could come to Prattville and pick her up if I didn’t want to wait. I figured I’d better go ahead and do that since I just bought chicken and didn’t want it to get warm in the car. So I loaded the groceries into the car and headed to get her.

When I got there, she asked if I minded running in Target with her real quick to make a return. No problem. So we drove over to Target which is in the same shopping center. As we started to get out, I reached for my purse and it wasn’t there. I thought maybe I put it in the trunk with the groceries. Checked. Not there either. Then panic set in. I must have left it in the shopping cart in the parking lot at Wal-mart!

So, we jumped back in the car and I flew back to Wal-Mart. It had been at least 10 minutes and I was praying it was still there. I drove up to the cart corral and there was the cart, no purse. So I jogged up to the guy who was collecting carts in the lot and he took me to customer service. Someone had just turned in a purse. I gave him my name and described the purse. He came out carrying it and I was so thrilled!

Ordinarily, I don’t carry any cash. But the weekend before I had gotten out about $100 after the whole ticket fiasco when we were considering purchasing another pair of tickets. I assumed the cash would be gone but was just hoping that my debit and credit cards would be in place. I was shocked. The cash and everything was still there. I was amazed. Actually, I was lucky that I left it at the Millbrook Wal-mart and not the one in Montgomery or I probably wouldn’t have even gotten the purse back!

So here’s where it gets weird. As we are getting back into my car, we look up and there are a bunch of carts pushed into the parking space in front of my car (Yes, Jen those people are assholes). In one of the carts, there is a purse. We realize that is probably belongs to the person who is backing out so we start yelling and waving at her. Her reply when she realizes she left her purse, “Oh my God, my husband would have killed me!”

But what are the chances that immediately after rescuing my purse, we would save someone from losing hers? Karma works in mysterious ways!

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