Monday, May 05, 2008

Just Another Lunch

I just got back from lunch with several co-workers. I paid for my lunch in the cafeteria and looked ahead where a co-worker, Tommy, was already sitting and holding a table for us. I realized I hadn't gotten a knife and went back to get one. I walked back to the table, sat down and started arranging my trey. I looked over at the table to my right and there sat Tommy laughing. I looked up and realized I was sitting with some old scruffy guy that I didn't know. I was totally embarrassed. I moved to the right table and another co-worker, Brian, came walking up behind me laughing so hard he about dropped his trey. We tried to have causal conversation but every time Brian looked at me he started cracking up all over again. Go figure. I'm an idiot.

1 comment:

Liöüx said...

For real. I have a BFF who has done this exact same very thing.

No worries, OMSioux! You are not alone.

And Hahaha.