Friday, May 30, 2008

Something Old, Something New

So, I’m sure you’ve noticed my lack of blogging lately. It has not been for a lack of time, but for a lack of material. I’ve been dating someone seriously for almost a year now, which has removed my need to do stupid things such as drive halfway across the country for a horrible first date. I’ve gotten a new car which has a functioning gas gauge and even a little light that comes on the remind me that I will soon need to stop for fuel. I’ve not been “hitting the bars” and having drunken wild stories to tell. Things have become…I wouldn’t say boring, but maybe more stable is the word? It’s nice. It’s comfortable. It’s definitely much safer!

But this has caused a hole in my blogging. This, I can fix. I have only been blogging for the last two years or so. I have PLENTY of stories from pre-blog days. So, here begins a new chapter in my blog. I will delve into my past and dig up the kinds of stories that you always end up rehashing at 3am at a Waffle House or the first time you meet some new friends. I love those nights and those stories. I hope you will too. Bear with me though, I will probably go way back in some of the blogs which will require that I introduce several “characters” that I may or may not have ever mentioned before. I hope you stick it out. And please, PLEASE give feedback. I am considering publishing a book that would be comprised of stories much like the ones I will post here. Feedback, good or bad will help me decide whether or not this is a worthwhile endeavor, so I’d really appreciate it.

And in advance, my apologies to any friends who might be embarrassed by future posts…but you knew this day would come, didn't you?

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