Friday, July 18, 2008

Sometimes Karma Works In Your Favor

Yesterday, I was asked at the very last minute to go over to the Dexter Avenue King Baptist Church for a photo shoot. (For those of you who aren’t in the area, this is the historic landmark where MLK preached from 1954-1960.) I didn’t want to be IN a photo because my face is a little “peely” from the sun I got at the beach. But when I got there, the co-worker who was supposed to be taking the photo had not arrived. It was hot out there and all the other volunteers were whining about not wanting to wait out there too long. I just happened to have my new camera in my car. So I volunteered to take the photos myself. My ulterior motives of course were, if I was TAKING the photos I didn’t have to be IN the photos.

This morning, as I grab my camera out of the car so I can upload the photos to my computer at work, I look around and realize that I left my camera bag at the church. And not just AT the church, but on a bench outside the front of the church. I had my camera, but not the lens cap, cords, manual, extra batteries, charger and $100 bag. I drove back by the church but I already knew it wouldn’t have survived a night in downtown Montgomery.

I trudge into the office and ask the secretary to contact the church and make sure no one there happened to see it and pick it up for me. I seriously doubted this would be the case. I had pretty much accepted that it was gone. They hadn’t seen it.

So I get to my desk and I’m telling a co-worker what happened. And I can’t believe what he tells me. The co-worker who was supposed to take the photos in the first place, showed up very shortly after we’d left, recognized my camera bag and she has it with her!! For once, karma has worked in my favor! I am so thrilled. And I am extremely lucky. What are the chances that someone I knew would be the person to find it?

Note to self: Get an ID tag for your camera bag!

1 comment:

Liöüx said...


I hate losing stuff.