Friday, June 01, 2007

My Karma is Hereditary

I just had the most interesting conversation with my mom. For those of you who don't know, I have an eight year old niece who lives with my parents. A man rang the doorbell and told my mom that he heard a little girl yelling "Help! Help! Somebody! Anybody!" Alex was in her new swing and her hair had gotten caught in the ropes. They actually had to cut the swing down to get her out. I was sitting at my desk laughing hysterically as she told me. (I'm evil, I know.) So I emailed and told my brother. His response: "Awesome. She should have taken some pictures."

My mom says we are terrible children. What can I say? Karma is hereditary!!


lioux said...

Being evil is AWESOME!

Terry said...

I agree 100%