Saturday, April 05, 2008

My Trip to the Governor’s Mansion

I had lunch and then headed over to the Governor’s Mansion about 12:30. It was still sunny but the wind was beginning to pick up. I stood inside the gate directing people towards the front of the mansion where they would begin their tour. Around 2:00, the bottom fell out and it began to pour. Brian, the previously mentioned co-worker, and I seeked shelter in the carriage house at the back of the mansion. It poured for only a few minutes before almost completely stopping, so we headed toward the mansion to see what the game plan was for the rest of the day. As we rounded the corner of the house meeting up with a security guard and an unnamed man in a suit, we walked up onto a nice marble porch surrounded by marble columns. Allow me at this point to remind you, that I did not come to work dressed for this occasion and was wearing flip flops which have almost no tread on the bottom. You guessed it, my feet flew out from underneath me. I hit my butt first and then my head too. I laid there for a moment mortified, with my eyes closed thinking, "I did NOT just do that." Since my eyes were closed, the 3 men around me panicked thinking I was knocked unconscious. Actually they thought that I had hit my head on one of the columns that I missed by merely inches. They scooped me back up to a standing position and I insisted that I was fine. And I thought I was. I continued to help and direct traffic and pass out lemonade but as time went on, my head began to pound. I even stood, with a wet butt, listening to the guest speaker on back patio next to Patsy Riley (the Governor’s wife, for those of you not from Alabama). I left early and went ahead and got on the road to Valley since they were predicting tornadic weather to hit Montgomery within the hour. I felt like someone had beat me up. And today, I’m even worse. I think I pulled some muscles in my neck? I guess its kind of like whiplash in reverse? And no bruises have appeared on my butt/hip yet but I can feel that they are coming. When I told my brother about it, he laughed and said he was sure there was a security guy somewhere watching the footage of me falling over and over again. Maybe he’ll send it into AFV and win $10k??

Anyway, I just thought I would share my embarrassing and painful moment for the laughter and enjoyment of others. Today, I’m laying around Scott’s house watching the rain and resting!!

1 comment:

country roads said...

Hi! I always fall at the most inopportune times too!

as for the book, it was really simple. publishes it for free and prints on demand. All you have to do is submit the text in either a word document or a pdf format. They do picture books, texts, anything...and it doesn't cost anything til you buy something. That is, unless you want it listed on Amazon or something. I didn't want to spend that much, but the option's there. Maybe next time :-)