Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wierd Mood

I'm just in on of those weird moods. I have a lot on my mind so I'll just start there.

I started the new job today. I was extremely excited to find out that my new title is "Assistant Art Director." Being an Art Director is my dream job, so being assistant to one is just one step closer. The department is smaller than I expected it to be. There are about 20 of us. I guess that's a lot less names to have to learn. Everyone seems really nice and several people seem just thrilled for me to be there. I had been really nervous about starting. I was a relief to get the first day out of the way.

Valentine's Day was wonderful. I fully expected Scott to have nothing planned. But I was wrong. His Jeep was in the shop most of the week and I stayed at his house, letting him drive my car to work. So on his way home from work that day, he called and told me to be dressed and ready when he got home. He showered and dressed quickly and we headed out, him not telling me where we were going. First, we went to a store in LaGrange where he told me to pick out a really nice dress. I was surprised and completely didn't expect that. So, I shopped around and he bought himself a suit. I had a little trouble in the first store finding a dress that was right, but at the second store i found several dresses in no time. In fact, I couldn't decide between two dress. One was a "little black dress" that was pretty fancy and even made Scott's jaw drop when I came out in it. If that doesn't make a girl feel incredible, nothing will. The other dress was a little less flashy but I felt like I would get more use out of it. Namely the wedding we were going to the following Saturday. So Scott insisted I got them both.

Then, he surprised me with dinner. He took me to dinner at the Piedmont at Calloway Gardens. They have a romantic Valentine's Day special. It was wonderful. I was even brave and tried some things I had never had before: lobster spring rolls and smoked duck! After dinner, we went to a little drink bar they had and sat by a big fire drinking martinis and beer. It was extremely romantic.

But typical of ANY day spent with me, you know something had to go wrong. Remember, that his Jeep was in the shop so we had to take my ghetto-mobile on our romantic date. So here we are, all dressed up and headed home and my car begins to overheat. We make it from Pine Mountain to the Wal-Mart in Valley. We shop for coolant in Wal-Mart wear a little black dress and suit. What else could be expected with me?

Adding the coolant seemed to do the trick for the time being. We leave my car at his house for the weekend and head to Montgomery to attend Ashley and Will's wedding. Once we get back to his house on sunday, we decide to take my car for a test drive to make sure its safe for me to drive back to Montgoemry. No such luck. Overheating again. It spends all of Monday in the shop, so I am once again stranded at Scott's with no car. And the problem with the car turns out to be more expensive than the car is worth to fix. They fixed enough so that its still driveable bbut I just have to make sure it doesn't overheat. So I'm driving Dad's car for now. I'm planning to trade in the ghetto-mobile (if they'll even give me $5 for it?) and try to get something else. I'm just having a little issue getting affordable insurance with my poor driving record. Yeah, I know... nobody's fault but mine. But still, I can't help but be frustrated...

So, that's where I am. Home after my first day of work. Sitting in bed watching Mike Rowe crawl into small and dirty spaces. And somehow I feel like my whole world has kind of turned upside down? Not necessarily in a bad way? But just different. I've spent every day for over a week with Scott and it feels weird to be alone. It felt extremely weird to pass by the State Bar today and head to a new job. I just feel weird. I can't explain it any better than that. I think I should just go to bed.

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