Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good News & Bad News

I’ll start with the good today. I got a new job! My last day at the Alabama State Bar will be February 8th. I will be starting as a Marketing Specialist/Graphic Designer for the Alabama Department of Tourism and Travel. It’s a pretty decent pay raise and after a probationary period I will receive an addition 5% raise. And those of you who know me, or even just read my blogs, know that I am in desperate need of a new(er) car and I might actually be able to afford to get one after this. Hallelujah!

And onto the bad news. Last night I boxed up some Christmas decorations (a little late I know) and was headed to the basement to put them away. I was carrying a fairly large box down the dark narrow stairs and no, this time I didn’t fall. When I hit the bottom of the steps, my entire foot was submerged in water. About 4 or 5 inches deep. It’s not uncommon for there to be a little ground water on the floor down there but there is a sump pump that is supposed to keep it fairly well drained. Apparently not. We had a pretty heavy storm on Thursday night in Montgomery, so I assumed the water got in then and I haven’t been home to discover it since then. Knowing there is nothing I can do about it this late in the evening, I proceed about the other things I need to do.

This morning, as I am preparing to take a shower before work I doscover that I do not have hot water. Gee, I wonder if this is related to the amount of water that is in my basement? I am still hoping that the water is indeed from the storm and that it is high enough to have put out the pilot light on the water heater, which also resides in my basement. I’m hoping that the water heater did not break and flood the basement which would likely be much more costly to fix/replace.

So for now, I am at work wrapping up some things around here. I’m headed home about lunch time and Scott (AKA My Mister-Fix-It) will be coming to help me get the water out, determine where it came from and whether or not I will HAVE to call a plumber to fix whatever is wrong. So, keep your fingers crossed for me. I have faith that Scott can get it done without me having to spend a fortune!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on your new job!