Monday, March 27, 2006

The World of Bonsai

For Valentine's Day this year, Jason gave me a Juniper Bonsai tree. I had gotten a small pine tree for Christmas and was enjoying taking care of it so much ( I even named him Oscar) that he thought we might enjoy growing a bonsai together.

We have enjoyed it, so much, in fact, that this past weekend we expanded our family of bonsai's to four trees. We aren't sure exactly what kind they are yet. We plan to visit a bonsai expert this weekend who should be able to help us identify the exact species, which will help us understand how to better care for them. We will have to get name tags so I can remember who is who, besides Osar and the original bonsai, Hubert.

I am really looking forward to having more room in our new house where the trees will be able to get more light. There is a breakfast room on the back of the house which is full of windows and lots of light. I think the trees will be much happier there!

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