Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just Curious?

I have a blog tracker. It's not very detailed but it gives me enough information that I can usually tell if my hits are from people who google something obscure and stumble into my blog, or if they come to it from another blog, or if they link to it from my myspace page or something similar. Most of my hits come from obscure places/countries but recently someone from Birmingham on a Mac on Bellsouth has been reading my blog on a fairly frequent basis. I was just curious as to whether or not you are someone I know, or just someone who happened to find this blog and enjoy it? Either way, I hope you'll let me know who you are so I can quit wondering. And for anyone else who reads every now and then, feel free to let me know. (Except you in Denton, TX... I already know about you, ha ha.) Enjoy reading!


Amy said...

So I see you are still reading but you aren't bothering to say who you are?

Anonymous said...

Yep, I like to be mysterious

Anonymous said...

Probably just some BITCH Ams don't worry about it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was rather rude. I could appreciate you wanting to defend your friend if there was something there to actually defend. As it is, my response certainly didn't warrant you calling me that. I'm sure you are a hell of a friend though...

Amy said...

LOL! Didn't mean to start a war. I know very few people in BHM so I had my suspects as to your identity. And if you aren't said bitch, then don't worry about it.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty positive I'm not a bitch. You do know me though. We have a mutual Denton connection.

Amy said...

Well, that certainly narrows it down. My honest apology. I thought you were an ex of one of my ex's!

So, someone I have met or someone I know of? Did we work together?

Anonymous said...

I guess technically we worked together, although I didn't get paid.

Amy said...

Ok, now I know who you are. Hope you are doing well! Didn't know you were in BHM. And speaking of our Denton connection... did you know he's getting hitched??